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About Taking Courses From A Different University İn Summer School

About Taking Courses from a Different University in Summer School

The requests of our faculty students to be allowed to take courses from other higher education institutions in the 2023-2024 Summer Term have been evaluated. In this context, provided that the conditions specified in Article 8 (1) of Sakarya University Exemption and Adjustment Directive are met; It has been determined by the decision of the Faculty Board dated 04.06.2024 and numbered 45/01 that 2023-2024 Summer Term course taking requests should be made according to the following criteria.

1) There is no base score limit requirement for Public Higher Education Institutions,

2) For Foundation Higher Education Institutions, the base score of the program to be taken must be equal to or higher than the base score of the student in the year of registration,

3) The course content to be taken from the other institution must be the same or similar to the corresponding course in the program in which the student is registered for at least 11 weeks.

Actions to be taken

1- A student who wants to take courses from a different university; Fills out the Form for Taking Courses from a Different University (wet signed and scanned) and sends it along with its attachments to the Department Secretary via the student e-mail address with the Sabis extension.

2-You can enroll in the summer education program at the relevant University for the course for which the advisor confirms that the course contents are compatible. You can get information about this from your Department Secretary.

3-At the end of the summer education, you can fill out the Adaptation form and apply to your Department Secretary with the transcript received from the relevant University to have the courses you took during the Summer Education counted.

Summer Education Directive

Article 10 – (1) During Summer Education, students can take courses from the lower semesters that they have never taken, that they have taken but failed, or that they have passed but want to upgrade. The last grade received from these courses is valid. Success grades received at the end of summer education do not change the ten percent ranking.

Article 11 – (1) At the end of the Spring Semester, associate and undergraduate students with a GPA of 3.00 and above, provided that they have taken and succeeded in all the required courses until the current semester, can take courses from the upper class in the summer school.

2023-2024 Summer Education Senate Decision

In the 2023-2024 Academic Year Summer Education, a student can take a maximum of 20 unit hours of courses in total within and outside the institution, without any conflict.

Note 1: Courses taken by students who do not receive approval from the advisor instructor will not be adapted.

Note 2: The form for taking courses from different faculties/universities is attached.