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Things To Consider About The Graduation Ceremony

Things to Consider About the Graduation Ceremony

Things to Consider About the Graduation Ceremony

The list of students who were ranked in the Faculties and Departments at the end of the 2023-2024 Academic Year is presented in the APPENDIX (ANNEX-I).
Our 2024 Faculty Graduation Ceremony Program is presented in the APPENDIX (ANNEX-II).
There is no graduation requirement to participate in the ceremony. Students who are in their final year in the 2023-2024 academic year can attend the ceremony even if they have not graduated.
Students who are disabled or use disabled vehicles can contact our Disabled Student Office at the phone number below and request support on the issues they need on campus. Our ceremony area and stage are accessible. Contact: 0 264 295 62 31
Our Graduation Ceremony will start at 18:00, and all our students must be present at the ceremony area (Sakarya University Stadium) at 17:00 at the latest, taking into account the possibility of heavy city and campus traffic on the day of the ceremony.
In order to comply with the attendance time for the ceremony, the vehicle density that may occur around the Sakarya University Stadium on the day of the ceremony should be taken into consideration.
Each graduate entering the ceremony area must gather on the left side of the field according to the tribune and form a row of three according to the "ORDER OF THE SECTIONS ON THE FIELD" specified below. Being around families or taking photos, etc. Dispersing for any reason may prevent the ceremony from proceeding. Therefore, Research Assistants who will assist graduates on the relevant subject will be available in the relevant field area.
Before the ceremony, entry to the field other than graduate students is strictly prohibited. After the KEP Ceremony (Capping and Closing), the families of our graduating students can enter the field and take photos with their students.
It is important to pay attention to the various signs and instructions of the officials (academic-administrative-employee) that will guide the graduates in the stadium.
To the meeting place of our graduate students on the synthetic field; backpacks, cigarettes, lighters and all kinds of banners, currencies, posters, etc. that are not related to the meaning of the day. They will not be allowed to enter with any materials.
All students participating in the graduation ceremony, regardless of whether they are graduate candidates, cannot engage in the actions specified in Article 54 of the Higher Education Law in the area and during the graduation ceremony. Cannot use alcohol, stimulants or drugs. Students who are found to have committed relevant actions or used prohibited substances are given disciplinary punishments regulated by the relevant article.
Since the students who have received degrees must be on the stage during the presentation of their certificates of achievement and gifts, they must show the necessary sensitivity to comply with the instructions of our Research Assistants and be close to the stage.
The Research Assistants responsible for the graduation ceremony department are as follows. Our graduate students are required to show due diligence in complying with the instructions of our Research Assistants working in your department.


Responsible Research Assistant

Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

Res.Asst.Fatih SERT

Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

Res.Asst.Murat BAL